Dave's Pulitzer Reviews 1930 - 1939
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Laughing Boy by Oliver La Farge
This is story of a Navajo Indian set in 1915. A surprisingly good and balanced story. Much shorter in length and scope than the Pearl Buck's book, it gives us and insight to a culture foreign to ours. Take the time to find and read this forgotten book.

Years of Grace by Margaret Ayers Barnes
Couldn't find.

The Good Earth by Pearl S Buck
I liked this book when I read it the first time. And I liked it again on the re-read. According to the front notes this was one of the first novels to show Eastern people as regular folks. I liked the way she set the story in one man's life and takes you through the good and the bad. This is a straight forward story with little moralizing.

The Store by T.S. Stribling
Couldn't find.

Lamb in His Bosom by Caroline Miller
Couldn't find.

Now in November by Josephine Winslow Johnson
The story of a young girl and her family scratching out a living on a farm during the depression. Another "Land" story. It appears that all writers in the 30s are obsessed with the idea of land ownership and being "of the land". Hmmm. Anyway, not a book I particularly liked. Johnson has an odd style that I don't like in a novel. It was more lyrical than narrative, at least in the first third of the book.

Honey in the Horn by Harold L. Davis
Another depression era story. This on about a young boy who leaves home. It is set in Oregon, so it caught my interest. I thought I would like it better but it plodded along a little. If you like Craig Lesley, you should like this. It is a word painting of Oregon and its people of the time as much as it is a novel.

Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell
Easily the most famous novel so far. (And possibly in the whole list). The epic (1000+ pages) story of Scarlet O'Hara in Civil War Georgia. This has been my favorite book of the group. Mitchell has an easy style and doesn't stint with getting to the exciting bits. It is interesting to note that she is writing about events that took place 75 years before (1861) and that the book itself is 75+ years old (1937) The mark of a good writer to me is that they can suck you into their story and make you believe that you are in that time. Whether it is 150 years ago, or 500 years in the future. I guess that is why I like historical fiction and science fiction over any contemporary fiction (e.g. anything on the Oprah list).

The Late George Apley by John Phillips Marquand
This is written in the style of a memoir even though it is fiction. It harkens to the early books on the list. It is all about class, wealth and family. I suspect that these sort of books were more relevant 70 years ago. I didn't think it was all that great.

The Yearling by Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings
Another must read from Jr/High School. This is the first book in the list really use dialect. The story is set in Florida in the 30's and she writes the dialog like the backwoods people actually talked. Although I liked the book, it is a straight ahead story, not at all twisty and multilayered like the next book I read (All the Kings Men). I suppose that is why it is used in secondary school.

  Dave's Pulitzer Reviews 1930 - 1939
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